FSH and LH
3 Replies
tracylee - July 7

I am getting ready to meet with a specialist next week, but I had a question to ask before I go. I received copies of my receny bloodwork, which gives me an LH of 8.4 ml and FSH of 4.4. My question is, do these numbers reflect PCOS? ???


tracylee - July 7

And on an additional note, how reliable is this information when blood was taken on CD 23? I have read that it should be done on CD 3, so I am curious! ???


B. Jacobs, M. D. - July 7

The only hormone level critical to be drawn on day 3 is FSH. You cannot make the diagnosis of polycystic ovaries on the basis of blood work, alone, unless you find an elevated insulin level.
Good luck.


tracylee - July 8

Thank you so much for your response! My insulin level was WNL. I found it hard to believe that all of a sudden I was PCOS, but a laporoscopy did not pick that up! Thank goodness I will be meeting with an RE next week! Thank you again!



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