3 Replies
MAg - November 1

Dr. Jacobs....

My doctor has increased my metformin from 500mg twice a day to 850 mg twice a day (I did not want to take 500mg 3 times a day)....and my clomid from 50mg to 100mg.....since I have yet to start my period, should I wait to take the new dosage of Metformin for my next cycle, or is it okay to start now?



Barry Jacobs, M. D. - November 2

For my patients who are insulin resistant, I prescribe metformin 500 mg every 12 hours. I do not prescribe Clomid. It causes more problems than it solves. For more information, please see our web page, <>.
Good luck.


MAg - November 2

What type problems does Clomid cause?



Barry Jacobs, M. D. - November 2

Clomid blocks the ability of cells to responnd to estrogen. For that reason, it makes a wreck of cervical mucus aand the endometrium. It also increases the probability that follicles do not rupture to release the egg. Instead follicles turn into cysts, which secrete progesterone.
Good luck.



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