Clomid question
2 Replies
tiggerpounce418 - May 24

This month I took 100mg Clomid cd 5-9. I completed the pills on 5/14. Since Sunday evening, I've had a constant stomach ache (nauceous). I just wondered if it's possible from the medication I took, or this is a stomach virus or something. I will probably make an appointment to see the family doctor if I'm still feeling sick tomorrow. I just wondered if you've heard of this type of response from Clomid before. Thanks for your help.


BarryJacobs, M. D. - May 24

There is a very strong probability that your cramping and nausea are related to ovarian cysts, caused by Clomid. The cysts will go away, but may cause some significant problems, before they are gone. If you are not being seen by a Reproductive Endocrinologist, you should go to one for management of your infertility - NOT to your FP.
Good luck.


tiggerpounce418 - May 24

Thank you, Dr. I didn't know if it was related or not. I have an appt set for June 10th to see RE. Thanks.



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