Can anything be done medically to improve egg quality?
1 Replies
konagirl - September 3

Hello from a newbie,

My husband and I have had 2 failed IVF attempts in the last 6 months. Our doc says I have "egg quality issues" due to my medical history. He now suggests an egg donor. As much as I want a baby, I'm not sure if I want one bad enough to have someone elses.

My question is is there anything that can be done medcially (surgery, drugs, etc.) to improve egg quality? ???

FYI-I am 32 years old.

Thank you!


Barry Jacobs, M. D. - September 3

Frequently egg poor quality is related to age. There is nothing to do about that. Women with polycystic ovareis frequently make poor quality eggs. Carbohydrate restriction and Glucophage may be of some help, if weight loss is significant.
Good luck.



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