Bucking the ER?? Cancelled cycle, should we try timed intercourse anyways??
1 Replies
baby_dreams07 - May 22

I need advice and quickly as I don't have a lot of time. I am torn up to find out today that the ER is cancelling my cycle. 28yr old me, Dh, 29. MY E2 is 927, 10 total follies, 5 of them: 17, 17, 15, 15, 14 and two 12's. Lining is at 7.9, no triple stripe pattern. (no male factor, have hypogonadotropism)

The ER said he will absolutely not go forward, too high risk of multiples and he advises against timed intercourse as well. I cannot afford to keep these treatments up and feel like this may be my only shot at having children. This is my 2nd round of injectables, 1st time I was a horribly poor responder with only two follies and a lining of 2.2 at the time of the insemination.

I am heartbroken. Please, what would you do if you were my RE or ladies, what would you do if you were in my position. I feel scared, angry, sad, all different emotions right now. I am just looking for guidance. What are the "true" chances of actually conceiving that many babies, it just doesn't seem realistic to me??!!

Thank you!


B. Jacobs, M. D. - May 23

I cannot second guess your RE. Certainly the 2 follicles which are 17 mm diameter are large enough to ovulate. The 2 at 15 mm probably will not. One of the great things about the U. S. health care is that you can choose who provides your care.
Good luck.



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