Blocked Tube
1 Replies
sara1221 - March 3

Dr Jacobs,

I suffered an ectopic pregnancy and took Metho. I then had surgery due to pelvic pain and my RE told me the tube was kinked so bad that no dye would go through. He told me he pulled and yanked but it remained kinked and blocked. I believe he performed multiple HSG's while I was under.

I am pregnant again and this time feels very different which I am taking as a good sign. I have had no bleeding and no cramping. I went to my regular obgyn's office and they are talking ectopic only because of my history. I tried to tell them my tube was blocked and nothing could go through but they still fear ectopic. I had not even thought of that happening. I trusted my doctor when he left it in and told me it was completely blocked but now I am worried.

I waited to have my beta taken due to my previous miscarriages due to a chromosomal issue and I normally miscarry before 6 weeks. I am only 5 weeks now. Should I be concerned this is another ectopic since "statistics" show I am more at risk even though my tube is completely blocked? I am scheduled for my u/s in a few days but my mind is racing over this possibility. I just don't see how it could be and think I would feel something like I did the last time.

Please tell me your thoughts. The doctor I saw today was not my regular doctor and didn't have my history so maybe he was just stating the obvious fact of recurrent ectopics if not treated...

Thanks so much!


B. Jacobs, M. D. - March 4

Commonly, if one tube is damaged, both are damaged. You are at risk for another tubal pregnancy. After 6 weeks of pregnancy, an ultrasound evaluation should determine if the pregnancy is in your uterus, as it should be.
Good luck.



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