1 Replies
jade - February 25

I have a question about my hcg numbers. This is from a natural pregnancy.
Here are my beta numbers:

2/16 489
2/18 1198
2/24 6900

The last hcg should have been 9600 for it to have doubled. It appears that it doubled at a rate of 80% in 2 days. I have read that some drs are happy with a 66% increase in 2 days but I have always heard that is should double every 48 hr. Could this still be a viable pregnancy or should I prepare for the worst. My RE thought it was okay, What is your honest opinion?


B. Jacobs, M. D. - February 25

In my practice, if the hCG does not at least double in 48 hours, I get a 3rd one 48 hours after the first. If you start with more than 1 implantation and one drops out, the 3rd hCG should dou8ble from the second. If not, the prognosis is guarded.
Good luck.



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