Ashermans' Syndrome?
3 Replies
Cathryn - January 6

Hello Dr.,
4 years ago I gave birth to my daughter 4 weeks early. shes healthy. problem is, i retained a portion of the placenta, and didnt know for a month. by the time she was a month old my blood volume was 7. of course i had a D&C and tranfusions, once i stopped bleeding i didnt have a period for more than 2 years. I had the cramps, etc. no bleeding. over the last 2 years the bleeding has started and eventually has returned to almost normal, . i think i may have ashermans sydrome. my question is.. does it ever get better on its own> does it always require surgery?
Thanks. Cathryn. :)


B. Jacobs, M. D. - January 6

By strict defintion, Asherman's syndrome is complete obliteration of the uterine cavity. Commonly, scarring in the cavity from D&C is referred to the same way. It is possible you have scarring over the outflow tract of the uterine cavity, and there is now a channel where menstrual blood can exit. The least invasive way to evaluate your uterine cavity is a PROPERLY performed HSG. Unfortunately, very few radiologist perform the study in a manner that provides adequate information about the uterine cavity.
Good luck.


Cathryn - February 13

ok, today my dr sent me for a pelvic/vaginal ultrasound and my uterus was not stuck together as ive sometimes heard with ashermans, but, there was fluid in my uterus. it looked like an early gestation sac, but i know im not pregnant as i just finished my cycle on the 8th. it was light but that is normal for me since the retained placenta. i havent heard from my dr and im climbing the walls. my question is, ive heard of a type of ashermans that is difficult to treat, called "unstuck" ashermans. does this typically present with fluid? i live in a small town and im worried they wont know what to do. the lady doing the ultrasound looked baffled. she must have asked me a dozen times when my last pregnancy test was, and was talking about debris. what would you reccomend i do next?

thanks so much!


B. Jacobs, M. D. - February 13

Without seeing your uterine cavity or participating in your care, I cannot provide valid recommendations. You will have to speak with your physician. Call and ask.
Good luck.



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