Anti cardio lipins
9 Replies
ALYXINA - April 5

Hi there
I have been diagnosed with anti cardio lipin syndrome after 13 MC and 3 tubals. My question, I have been suffering with migraines for over 16 years, could that be a symptom of anti cardio lipins and if not what are the symptoms. My doctor has not really given me any information or maybe I am not asking the right questions?


Barry Jacobs, M. D. - April 6

The only symptom of cardiolipin antibodies I know is recurrent pregnancy loss. True vascular migraine head aches are most commonly triggered by falling estrogen levels.


Lisa Gwynne - January 26

I have just suffered my 3 MC after carrying my daugher full term with no problems. After having a lot of tests done, my anti cardio lipins have shown a problem and I have to retest them in a few weeks?

What does all this mean and can anything be done with this?


Barry Jacobs, M. D. - January 26

I do not know what tests were performed to diagnose the cause of your recurrent pregnancy loss. Cardiolipin antibody is not one of the better ones. Please see the discussion of recurrent pregnancy loss on our web page, <>.
Good luck.


marion - March 16

after having a hystorectomy i developed a blood clot in my left leg (dvt)
my hemotologist took a lot of blood for numerous tests and all came back negative except one (which he wants to re-take)
the test for anti ardio lipins anti-body came back as intermediate

please advise what this test shows


Barry Jacobs, M. D. - March 16

I cannot answer your quetion about blood clot. Please discuss it with your hematologist.


Kage - May 20

I was wondering if you could answer a question for me. I have been suffering with debilatating migraines for a few years now, and my neurologist did 2 sets of anti cardio lipins on me. He told me that I do not have Lupus, but that I do have the "factor" that would be a risk factor for MC, stroke, and clotting issues. My mother does not agree with this diagnosis (she is a med tech, and I am a phlebotomist) so we are familiar with the tests etc. She said that only people with Systemic Lupus would have that specific factor. My neurologist is extrememly good at what he does, and I believe what he told me. It is coming up now because my fiancee and I are planning on starting a family after we get married in Sept. Is it possible for people without SLE to have such problems (especially people who have migraines and familial hx of stroke/tia etc)


B. Jacobs, M. D. - May 20

I cannot speak to lupus, migraines, or strokes. Depending on what blood factor you may have, it is possible you may have fertility issue, but you will not know for sure until you try.
Good luck, and congratulations on your upcoming marriage.


riverone - January 5

I was told that I have anti cardio lipin disorder just a year ago. After my first child 23 years ago (which I lost after more than a full term pregnancy) and then an eptopic pregnancy and then a third and final pregnancy where I had 2 strokes but finally delivered my daughter who is now 16 years old and healthy thankfully.

I have been told and read different things about how this disorder is genetic and that my daughter could have as many problems as I have had with strokes, pregnancies, etc. Is this disorder genetic and should she be tested before she considers becoming pregnant later on in life?


B. Jacobs, M. D. - January 5

I would not expect your migrains to be caused by your cardiolipin antibodies. Most true migrains in women are triggered by falling estrogen levels just before a menstrual flow.
Good luck.



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