Pulling Sensation after Laprotomy
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faith2006 - December 31

I had laprosocopy 4 years ago to remove fibroids outside the uterine wall and I developed extensive adhesions. Tried getting pregnant but not successful. Did a laprotomy 6 months ago to remove fibroids again and unblock tubes. 3 months after surgery HSG shows tubes are open. I've been having a pulling sensation around navel area which I did not have after the first surgery. During this surgery fibroids were taken in and outside the uterus. I'm wondering if this pulling is due to the fact that adhesion is forming in my unterus and also if it is, what are the chances of getting pregnant. I usually feel the pulling duiring ovulation time and during the time of implantation (5 - 10 days after ovulation). It has gotten better but still occurs every month. I was so sure I was preg during my last cycle, I had spotting for 1 day around 6 days after ovulation and other sxs, once the pulling started, I knew it was over. I feel like the egg is trying to implant which affects the adhesion which in turn pulls/stretches thereby prevent implantation. Anybody experience this or something similar?



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