new conception monitor
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moosha21 - January 3

hey ladies i was browsing threw the internet looking for people that had success stories with the clearblue fertility monitor because i just ordered one found alot of success with that buti also found this new monitor called the baby comp and the lady comp this thing is amazing the baby comp for conception and the lady comp is for birth control but it's like a little computer it does every thing all you have to do is take your tempature every morning gor about 30 seconds and it tells weather your fertile or not and it tells you 6 days in advance when your going to be fertile it also has an alarm clock and a built in pregnancy test and it tells when your due date is and it also helps you to conceive the gender of your choice and it tells you when to baby dance and you don't have to have a normal cycle you can even have fertilty problems i think this thing is going to work it's real expensive though ($685) but if your going threw fertility treatment it's alot less cheaper then that and if you go to they payment plans you can buy the monitor for $55 and make 8 payments of that for the next eight months babydust to all



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