Does anyone know anything about having a two vessel unbilical cord?
1 Replies
AL - April 28

Last week at the 20 week sonogram, I was informed that I have a two vessel unbilical cord with this pregnancy instead of the normal three vessel cord. I do understand that it means that you only have one artery and one vein instead of two arteries. The specialist told me that they will monitor the baby's growth, heart, and kidneys. Has anyone had this type of unbilical cord that can maybe give me a little more insight on how this may affect the baby until birth?


jenmom2-1 - June 5

My BF's son had that, and he is fine. He was born weighing 11lbs, 11 oz.... And is now a perfectly happy and healthy 2.5 year old. They will monitor your baby, and hope that all is well. I don't think it is that uncommon. Good luck.



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