2 week wait - TTC
2 Replies
JLK - January 30

Hi everyone. I had be retrieval on Tuesday and transfer on Friday - 2 8 celled/grade 1 embies transferred; 2 more frozen at blast stage. This is my second IVF attempt and I am trying to keep positive during the 2 ww but I have that mild but constant pressure in my lower abdomen - a feeling I've unfortunately come to know is a precursor to AF. I go for my progesterone test tomorrow and my beta 2/7. Anyone else in the 2ww that I can commisserate and compare symptoms to??


mhorn - February 3

I had the same symptoms except my cramps were super bad. 9dpt I had a positive hpt and got the thumbs up on 1/26 that we are pregnant. I know it's agonizing but hang in there. Wait til you get a positive and have to wait for a heartbeat! It's definitely less grueling but it's torture none the less.


JLK - February 4

I know getting past this first step is the just the first step in many. I had a miscarriage last year at 8 weeks when we went in for our second ultrasound. Thanks for the feedback on the cramps. Mine were pretty strong but have since disappeared. I was afraid that the cramping was a sign of AF coming but that the progesterone was just holding it back. At least I know for you, the cramping was not a sign of AF!



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