On a forced break...Leftover Follistim For Sale
4 Replies
korlis - March 27


I have 3 cartridges of Follistim AQ 300iu for $350. Includes the follistim pen and extra needles for the pen. All properly stored, unopened, and unexpires (Aug. 2010). Buyer pays shipping, will ship cold. I don't want to see these meds go to waste. I wanted desperately to use them, but TTC is not a possibility for us at this time. So, until we can start again, I need to recoup some of this cost. Let me know if you're interested. I'd like to see someone have success with them!!


cupcake21c - April 8

do you still have them?


Downunderbaby - April 13

Do you still have pens please?


mplace - April 18

I am interested if you can let me know if you still have it available.

Email me mplace at yahoo.com


NCmomCJ - April 21

korlis, please email me at caroljean776 at aol dot com if you still have the follistim- thanks!



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