Follistim for sale
2 Replies
Molgilmo - March 30

We have left over follistim. One 600IU vial (10/09) and three 300IU vials (10/08 and 10/09) Have pen kit if needed. All meds have been refrigeranted. Will send next day on ice. Would like to get $450 and I will pay for shipping.
-worked for us 7 months along :D

[email protected]


rayane - March 30

I am in the middle of an ivf cycle right now and am afraid I am going to run out of meds before my retrival. I am interested in your meds but am wondering if you would accept anything less than $450. We have been going through this for 8 years now and have had to pay for everything out of pocket due to our insurance company being run by a bunch of idiots. Sorry... my hormones are raging and I tend to go bonkers a bit sometimes. Please get back to me as to what the lowest you would accept for all of the meds. I would need them ASAP. Also, please let me know what type of payment you would accept. Thanks and congratulations!!!



Molgilmo - March 30

Denise please give us a call. We have been through a very long process as well.
920-562-5194 Molly



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