Lupron Depot
1 Replies
heidikisin - September 2


I was given a two week kit of Lupron to supress a ovarian cyst. After the kit the cyst was measured at 18 and I was given Lupron Depot 3.75 and told to come back in a week. The cyst had grown to 25mm and I complained of some side effects and my doctor basically said to suck it up. The headaches and emotional libility was so bad I decided to go back to my old RE and she added Aygestin to help with the Lupron side effects. She gave me the option to use this cycle as supression prior to an IVF cycle. I will have an u/s and if clear will stop the Aygestin and draw serial E2's until my ovary "wakes up"

I am 37, have one ovary and am over wt. On a gonal/menopur 300 am 300 pm cycle. I produced 4 mature follicles based on u/s and e2 levels.

Do you think I should use this cycle after having the Lupron Depot on board? Will it affect the amount of follicles or quality in a negative way?

I had my saline sono yesterday and my ovary showed some antral follicles brewing.

Thanking you in advance for your time.


Dr Smith - September 5

This is a medial question, so I will defer to Dr Jacobs. Please post on his Infertility 101 Message Board.



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