HCG progress
2 Replies
Dannye - July 1

I am 31, husband 32. "Unexplained inferility problems". After trying several unsuccessful rounds of IUI, and 1 unsuccessful IVF, we learned that we had the following for our 2nd IVF attempt:

11 DPT: hcg = 130
13 DPT: hcg = 261
15 DPT: hcg = 458

It didn't quite double between the 2nd and 3rd. Is there some "variation" in levels? Some people have said that the "doubling" of hcg can occur between 48 & 72 hrs. I'm nervous because it did double the between days 11 & 13, but only 75% increase between days 13 & 15. Any thoughts? By the way... we did have two embryos transferred.



Dr Smith - July 3

Don't panic. At this point, it is within the normal, expected variation. Don't get too hung up on the numbers, they are only a guideline. As with everything in ART, there is considerable variation between patients and for the same patient on different cycles. Compared to the more exacting sciences of physics and chemisty, numbers in biology tend to be on the "slushy" side.


Dannye - July 3

Thank you so much for your reply. This website has been helpful for me to read other's experiences and to read your insight into the variety of cases. I appreciate your dedication to keeping up with responding to the questions posted, on top of what I'm sure is a very busy schedule.

By the way, this morning, my hcg went up to 1341 (3 days ago it was 458). My progesterone is over 60.

Thanks for your responses!




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