Compaction on day 3
2 Replies
carolcool01 - July 10

Hi Dr. Smith:
I am 34, and just did a fresh transfer with 3 8-cell embryos of very good quality. The ER mentioned that one of the embryos at its 8-cell stage has already started to compact... Is it a good sign? Or is it too early for a 8-cell embie to go through the compaction process?

I have good uterus lining, etc, treated for elevated NK cells with IVIG before transfer. What do you think of my chances?


Dr Smith - July 11

Compaction on Day 3 is, indeed, a good sign. Embryos that undergo compaction by late Day 3 have a very good chance of making it to the blastocyst stage. Transferring 3 good embryos (as far as you can tell on Day 3) with IVIg treatment, I'd say your chances are pretty good (~40-50% term delivery rate). Hang in there.


carolcool01 - July 11

Oh, it's so good to hear that.... I had two failed fresh cycle and one FET, and finally there seems to be some hope.

After the three failed attempts, I switched to another clinic, and the doctor used a microdose lupron protocol, and it seems to work much better in producing better quality embryos...



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