blastocyst transfer 5 days ago!
3 Replies
paige - May 1

Hi doctor I should know better doing two fresh cycles but I do have a question I am hoping to hear good news from. I did a frozen cycle had nine frozen two made it to a five day blastocyst transfer. All went well I feel really differnt. I know progesterone is part of it but my question is my test isn't due until May 9th. Can I test a few days earlier and get a real result so I can throw a family celebration. I will still test on the 9th. I just want to know if I can do it just a few days sooner with a real result. Also they had me take no hcg. Only bc pills Lupron Estidiol antibiotics and progesterone suppositorie 200mg ant night and a shot in the evening of 2 I.U's. My actual transfer date was April 27th at 11:30 a.m. I was also told I had a 60% chance. I was 29 when I froze them and am 31 now. Sorry so much info. All your feedback is much appreciated. Thank you very much, Paige


Dr Smith - May 2

The earliest you would be able to detect hCG in urine would be 10 days post transfer, which, according to my calculations, would be Sunday the 7th.

Best of luck.


paige - May 2

Thank you for your info. If I test a day before my blood test on the 9th. Will it give me the same results when I go to test the next day? Does one day make a difference. I just don't want to have a positive to go in the next day to have a negative. Witing till Sunday would give me exactlly 11 days. Sorry to kinda repeat my question I am just scared and want to be acurate. Thank you


Dr Smith - May 3

If the pregnancy is progressing normally, your hCG will approximately double every two days for the first couple of weeks. Accordingly, it will be higher every time your test. The urine test is less sensitive than the blood test, so the situation is actually the oposite. You could test negative on the urine test and then have a positive blood test the next day. Hang in there.



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